The CD cover. [larger version]
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In 2000, with much help from Mom's sister-in-law Sue (see credits), we put together a CD with songs that Mom had recorded in 1989 and 1990. You can download two of the songs right from this page, or if you'd like a copy of the CD, instructions for both options are below.
- On Eagle's Wings
by Michael Joncas, ©1979
- Blue Green Hills of Earth by Kim Oler (Hendon Music, Inc. BMI)
- Morning Has Broken Gaelic Melody, words by Eleanor Forjeon
- Loving by Hugh Bowden, ©1981
- Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell (Siquomb Publishing - BMI)
- Joy is Like the Rain by Medical Mission Sisters, ©1965
- Mother and God by Miriam Therese Winter, © Medical Mission Sisters, 1987
- There's a Light by Lui Collins, © 1987
- Every Time I Feel the Spirit arr. H.T. Burleigh, © Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp., 1925
- My Lord, What a Mornin' arr. H.T. Burleigh, © Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp., 1918
- Prayin' for the Camel by John McCluny and Lindy Hearne, ©1987
- Centering Home by Molly Scott (Sumitra Music - ASCAP)
- Amazing Grace by John Newton
- Blessing music by Susan Bingham, ©1981, words traditional
- Waterfall by Chris Williamson, ©1975 Bird Ankles Publishing
- Song of the Soul by Chris Williamson, ©1975 Bird Ankles Publishing
- Garden Song by David Mallett, ©1978 Old Road Music - ASCAP
- Rainbow Connection by Paul Williams and Kenny Ascher, ©1979 Welbeck Music Corp.
- Prayer of St. Francis by Sebastian Temple ©1967 St. Francis Productions
- Lullaby by Chris Williamson, ©1975 Bird Ankles Publishing
- Blessing (Stookey) by Noel Paul Stookey, ©1977 Public Domain Foundation
- Beautiful by Carole King, ©1971 Columbia Music Co.
- Now Thank We All Our God Beaumont's Twentieth Century Folk Mass, London ©1957 W. Paxton & Co. Ltd.
- Vespers by A.A. Milne and H. Fraser-Simson, ©1952 E.P. Dutton, New York
Other Credits and Acknowledgments:
Special thanks to Susan Hulsman Bingham for her vision and follow-through in bringing Micki's music to a wider audience. Sue also played all the piano accompaniment for these recordings and sang the backup vocals on track 14.
Tracks 1-14 were originally recorded in 1989 for On the Breath of Dawn. On this album, George Raccio played the guitar accompaniment.
Tracks 15-24 were originally recorded in 1990 for Filling Up and Spilling Over. On this album, Jim Martin played the guitar accompaniment.
Both albums were recorded at Grace Recording Studio, Hamden, Connecticut.
How to Request a CD:
If you would like a copy, please send your name and address to:
Jody Esselstyn
2503 Hillwood Pl
Charlottesville VA 22901-2922
If you are able, we would appreciate a check (also made out to Jody) for $10 (US) to help us cover the costs of pressing, printing, assembling, and mailing. As I write this, I think we have about 40 CDs, so if we get more than 40 requests, there may be a slight delay in sending some of them out.
Two of the songs, On Eagle's Wings and Blessing (track 14)
are available in mp3 format. Two caveats:
1. The files are big, about 3.5 MB and 1.5 MB respectively, and hence
may take a long time to load.
2. Newer systems should be able to open mp3 files easily using a
program like
QuickTime or Windows Media Player, but if you have an older system or are
not familiar with audio files, you may have some difficulty.
That said, if you want to give it a try, here they are:
[On Eagle's Wings] and